Girl's Uniform
Pre-K through Kindergarten
Plaid dress with logo, plaid culottes, light blue blouse with logo, blue polo shirt with logo and side vents, navy pleated slacks, navy sweatpants (cold days only).
1st through 5th Grade
Plaid jumper with logo, light blue blouse to be worn underneath jumper, blue polo shirt with logo and side vents, navy pleated slacks (navy or white tights may be worn under jumpers on cold days).
6th through 8th Grade
Plaid skirt (one inch above the knee), light blue polo with cap sleeve with side vents with logo, light blue polo with logo. Navy pleated or non-pleated slacks (navy or white tights may be worn underneath skirts on cold days). Mass uniform/special event uniform will include a white button down shirt with a navy logo vest.
Optional for grades PK through 8
Navy blue sweater, navy blue fleece jacket.
- Shoes: All Black leather shoes with black soles, may be penny loafer style (No high tops or canvas sneakers are allowed).
- Socks: White bobby or knee-high socks
- Belt: black belt for all pants with loops.
- Jewelry: A chain with religious medal or cross, a watch (not SMART watch), and stud earrings only.
- Hair: Neatly styled, no extremes ** Make-up, long nails, acrylic nails, painted nails, or colored hair will not be tolerated.
Boy's Uniforms
Pre-K through Kindergarten
Pants or shorts: Navy blue elastic waist. Polo: light blue short sleeves with vents, light blue long sleeves with logo, Navy blue sweatpants (for cold days only)
1st through 8th Grade
Navy blue pants, navy blue pleated pants (for 6th through 8th grade). Polo: light blue short sleeves with vents, light blue long sleeves with logo.
6th through 8th Grade
Mass uniform/special event uniform will include a white button down shirt with a navy logo vest.
Optional for grades PK through 8
Navy blue sweater, navy blue fleece jacket, navy blue cardigan (6th through 8th grade).
- Shirts: must be tucked in during school hours unless the polo is with side vents. T-shirts worn under the uniform must be solid white. No emblems, logos or writing on T-shirts may not extend below the sleeve of the uniform.
- Shoes: All Black leather shoes with black soles, may be penny loafer style (No high tops or canvas sneakers are allowed).
- Socks: White
- Jewelry: Chain with a religious medal or cross and a watch (not a SMART watch)
- Hair: Neatly styled; above the collar of the shirt, eyebrows, and ears; no extreme haircuts will be tolerated. Hair products (gel, mousse, and har spray) may not be used to disguise overly lengthy hair in need of a cut.
Book bags
Students in grades 1-8 may carry book bags to school. These must be kept clean and free of any writing, drawing, etc. Rolling book bags pose a danger to students and staff;
PE Uniforms
They may be worn on the days the child has PE. The PE uniform is the same for all grades, for boys and girls; gold tee shirt with school logo and royal blue shorts with logo, white mid-calf socks and athletic tennis shoes. HAVE YOUR CHILD'S CLOTHES MARKED.
Any variation to the school dress code, as stated above, will not be permitted and may result in an administration/teacher/parent conference.
Game Days
On game days, students are to come dressed in their sports uniform to build team and school spirit with the exception of mass days. For sports that require a sleeveless uniform (cross country, basketball, and track or other) PE uniform shirt or plain white no logo t-shirt must be worn underneath, while on school campus.
Students will not be given the opportunity on game days to change on campus, unless it was a mass uniform day.
This is in every effort to minimize loss of academic time and build school spirit.